Oscar E Moore

From the rear mezzanine theatre, movies and moore

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SHE’S BACK – Dear Edwina returns December 11th – Yeah!

December 3rd, 2009 by Oscar E Moore


I had written to Edwina wondering how I could possibly enjoy the holidays without her and she very kindly responded with re-opening her delightful production of DEAR EDWINA at the DR2 Kids Theatre 103 East 15th Street at Union Square.

December 11th through February 15th.  Here is the just a click away calendar.


If you want to see what I wrote about this show, please type DEAR EDWINA in SEARCH IT! and then press ENTER.

This is an interactive do it yourself review!

I loved the show as have countless children and adults alike and I encourage you to see it.  You’ll have a great time.

As an extra added feature I am including the direct link to my original review:


And to the two young ladies that e-mailed me about getting parts in their own productions I hope that you are still auditioning and enjoying theatre more than ever.


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