Producer Daryl Roth has made this one a slam dunk! DEAR EDWINA’s limited run at the DR2 Theatre has been extended thru April 19th. So get your tickets now to this feel good, uplifting and fun celebration of family and friends to shake off the blues that the current news of the world offers. You’ll love it. Oh, and don’t forget to take the kids.
I first met the creators – Zina Goldrich and Marcy Heisler at the BMI Musical Theatre Workshop where they performed “The Alto’s Lament”. I never laughed so hard and have been a fan of theirs ever since. They are extremely gifted and lots of fun.
Children attending DEAR EDWINA can leave a letter to her – asking for advice. One lucky child’s question is chosen per week and posted on the DEAR EDWINA website along with our heroine’s savvy reply.
Tickets at www.DearEdwina.com or Telecharge 212 239 6200 or at Box Office. Group rates available.
My original review which was posted on www.TalkEntertainment.com 11/18/08 follows:
Dear Edwina – a musical comedy for kids
Oscar E Moore from the rear mezzanine for Talk Entertainment.com
What better way to introduce musical comedy to children than to “put on a show” for them. So in the MGM /Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland tradition of “Let’s put on a show” that’s just what Zina Goldrich (music) and Marcy Heisler (book and lyrics) have done with their fast paced, funny, tuneful, 60 minute long sophisticated Sesame Street type musical titled “Dear Edwina” which has just opened at DR2 Theatre at 103 East 15th Street, NYC.
Edwina Spoonapple (Janice Mays) has oodles of advice to bestow. So she decides to put on a show in her overflowing with props garage to dispense her helpful hints and lessons of life so that she can get herself an honored place on the family fridge alongside her seemingly more successful siblings – especially her mathematician expert sister.
In her “cast” are Bobby (Tyler Adcock) the new kid in town, Scott (Ernie Pruneda) with a special pink letter for Edwina, Billy Vanderploonk (Doug Thompson) , Annie (Shannon Tyo) and Kelli Poshkonozovich (Katie Whetsell) a prima ballerina – all friends and cohorts in the show within a show. All are delightful.
Much like a musical Dr. Phil with tuneful toe tapping numbers and advice on such matters as how to be polite when served food that doesn’t suit your picky taste buds SAY NO THANK YOU, how to behave at a party and not turn into FRANKENGUEST, how to set a proper table FORK, KNIFE, SPOON, how to budget PUT IT IN THE PIGGY and most importantly how to make friends HOLA LOLA. I defy you not to get that tune out of your head long after you’ve left Dear Edwina and friends.
Timothy A. McDonald directs with zest. The dances by Steven G. Kennedy are lots of fun. While the score is a mixture of styles it is always catchy and the lyrics are top drawer. If sometimes a bit over the heads of the younger ones in the audience they are always a pleasure for their parents to hear.
Edwina’s final bit of advice is good for young and old alike – “no matter how anyone tries to knock you down, it’s important to do what you love no matter what” – SING YOUR OWN SONG. Obviously the team of Goldrich and Heisler follow their own creed – and do it beautifully. And they are truly lucky to have cast members that also feel the same way. Dear Edwina will help instill the love of musical comedy for all newcomers and delight those already hooked.
www.DearEdwina.com Running through January 25th. All seats $39.00
Note: The Kids Play Bill is also lots of fun!
Tags: Daryl Roth · Marcy Heisler · Zina Goldrich2 Comments
2 responses so far ↓
My middle school is preforming Dear Edwina and I got the role of Edwina. I hope I do well and if you have any advice I’ll be glad to take any 😉
Hi! I tried out for the part of susie and I got it. My friends told me to so I did. I was just wandering if it was a good role before i get involved.
we are preforming Dear edwina jr.