Oscar E Moore

From the rear mezzanine theatre, movies and moore

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February 14th, 2024 by Oscar E Moore

I have a cousin.  She’s a mosquito.  I am a fly.  A reincarnated fly.  Oh, the stories I could tell – this being one of them…

Matthew by name.   Our families somehow, somewhere had some inter-mingling, so-to-speak and we wound up cousins.  Funny how things like that work out.  Or don’t.

Mavis and I do not think alike.  Nor do we look alike.  We couldn’t be more different if I were a fly and she a mosquito.  Which we are.

We sometimes fly into one another at the local swamp or city dump.  Not often, mind you.  Those places are much too humid and smelly for me.  I prefer to find a nice, quiet comfortable apartment that I can sneak into and set up home.  Come and go when I want.  Just as long as there is plenty of cool clean water available to quench my incredibly unquenchable thirst.  And an open window.

Mavis needs a crowd.  Adoring fans so-to-speak according to her long suffering, living way beyond his expected life span dad Melvin.  Poor Uncle Melvin.   Once a month he has to have his eyes examined.  Keeps bumping into walls and windows.  Not seeing them until it’s too late.

His vision hasn’t gotten any worse nor has it gotten better.  He has learned to adjust to the few bruises here and there and his ever present bent stinger.  Thankfully his buzzzzzz still works when needed.

He manages.  Both with his eyesight and his demanding daughter who never stops complaining.  Looking for a better life.  Always plotting ahead.  Thinking primarily of stardom.  Granted she has the most beautiful legs.  Gorgeous she would correct.  Each and every one.  But she can be a nuisance.  Prone to sting when least expected.  And.  It’s always.  About her!

So I was not surprised when I heard through my private grapevine (Uncle Melvin) about her insistence to audition for the world famous Bumble, Bee and Bailey Flea Circus.  The all-important word is flea.  Something that Mavis is definitely not.  Persistent and pushy yes.  A flea?  No way.  Is she talented?  That remains to be seen.

Mavis, not to be discouraged by anyone or anything set forth in becoming its newest and greatest star attraction.  “I will never be out of the spotlight” was her mantra.  “Never!”  With pure determination and will power.  And those six, count ‘em, six gorgeous legs.


Matthew Presser reporting for FLY ON THE WALL NEWS

Undoubtedly you have heard of Mavis.  Or I should stand corrected and say Marlene as that is who she insists on being called after officially changing her name as a result of being hired as Bumble, Bee and Bailey’s newest novelty attraction with her fantastic jazzy rendition of VOLARE – that number one catchy tune sweeping the swamps here and the hinterlands there performed with Fosse inspired movements showcasing her newly multi-million dollar insured gams that will surely enthrall audiences looking for a good time.

And I quote – “I wanted something exotic.  Mavis sounds like some rinky-dink rent-a car company.  But the one and only Marlene also known for her glamorous gams was more to my liking.  And I have four more than she.”

Rave reviews for FLY BY NIGHT FOLLIES.  Standing room only!

SOLD OUT– SOLD OUT, flashed repeatedly on a flea-sized marque in bright tiny multi-colored neon bulbs welcoming Marlene at every sold out performance; attracting all sorts of flying creatures – paying and non.

And then Delilah the demon dragonfly showed up.  At the stage door.  With her iron-clad contract that had a tiny iron clad clause that was conveniently overlooked by Messrs. Bumble, Bee and Bailey which clearly stated that the semi-retired Delilah Dragonfly could at any future time return to her starring status at the circus.  And that time was now.

Marlene formerly Mavis was not amused as the saying goes.

She had those glamorous gams and brazen gall but devious Delilah had those spellbinding gossamer art nouveau like double wings plus three pair of lovely legs that out-shown Marlene under the all-important spotlight.  Not to mention she was the recently divorced mate of one Mr. Bee.

It was reported by yours truly that soon after this incident Marlene met with yet another more unfortunate incident.  Somehow backstage, in the wings of all places, a simple sand bag hanging from the rafters mysteriously fell just as Marlene was about to make her entrance hitting her dead center where she and her glamorous gams met their tragic demise.  Stage Center!  In the spotlight of course.  Splat!

But as the saying goes – the show must go on.  And so it did.  Starring the one and only Delilah the Demon Dragonfly.



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