“Made in Heaven” written by Jay Bernzweig and directed by Andrew Shaifer might have won the ‘Outstanding Production of a Play Award’ at the 2009 Midtown International Theatre Festival but it didn’t win for best play – for obvious reasons. It is little more than amusing erectile dysfunctional theater. Let me explain.
Lawyer Max (Kevin Thomas Collins) and Paralegal Benjie (Alex Anfanger) are conjoined twins sharing an apartment, a pair of three legged jeans, similar taste in clothing and decor and what is described as a rather large penis in present day Manhattan.
They are waiting for their joint girlfriend Jessica (Maia Madison) to arrive so that Max can propose marriage. Benjie is not so willing to go along with this scenario. I’ll give you one guess why. They have been dating Jessica for three months now, both having problems for different reasons in the penis department. Well, I guess that makes all three of them. However, Max believes it is time to take the plunge into matrimony, securing a safe and happy future despite the complicated drawbacks. After all, they come as a rather unique package and she is a bit overweight and has terrible self esteem problems. So this marriage would work for all involved. I suppose that is where the title “Made in Heaven” was born. As in a marriage…made in heaven.
Trying to be honest they all have secrets which are supposed to add to the hilarity. But once you get past the sight gag of the twins walking and sitting in tandem the jokes soon loose their luster wallowing from amusing to pitiful porno humor, grossness and vulgarity. Sure to sell lots of tickets.
There is a fourth character – Gilbert (Matthew Bondy) a pay for sex hustler who drinks, does drugs, is abusive and has a body of an Adonis. Which he readily shows off. Which will sell even more tickets.
Maia Madison displays wonderful comic timing as the beset and beleaguered Jewish bride to be and is delightfully torn between marriage, food and the dilemma she finds herself in with Gilbert and the twins, who are extremely funny in how they deal with each other, their different mind sets and opposing sexual desires.
Gilbert also has a few surprises up his, down his…well he doesn’t wear much but he does provide some exciting moments – if that’s your taste in comedy. It’s amazing what audiences find funny these days.
I have either turned you off or whetted your perverted funny bones to find out what makes “Made in Heaven” tick. At the SOHO Playhouse 15 Vandam Street. Tickets $59.00
Twins arriving at the box office with proof attend free of charge.
Tags: Alex Anfanger · Andrew Shaifer · Jay Bernzweig · Kevin Thomas Collins · Maia Madison · Matthew BondyNo Comments
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