Everett's not wearing a dress
I’ve know Everett for a long time. Ever since his days at The Ridiculous Theatrical Company with Charles Ludlam. Charles and I attended Hofstra University where we were studying drama. He was always writing in one of those black and white school note books. He was a very fine actor and comic even then.
Our paths crossed many years later when I had a shop on Bleecker Street and somehow Everett began working for me there part time. He was living with Charles and I happened to mention that the two crested canaries that I had at home somehow had become forty – in three large bird cages. No one could believe that canaries could mate so prodigiously in the confines of a New York apartment. But breed they did. Over and over. Some birds went to the pet shop, some were kept (males being separated from females) and some given away. Charles and Everett came over to pick out one. They named him “Samson”.
Everett has just opened in a glorious production of CORNBURY- The Queen’s Governor at the Hudson Guild Theatre 441 West 26th Street 212 352 3101. Do go. www.cornburytheplay.com
Here is the direct link to my review posted on Talk Entertainment.com
Tags: Charles Ludlam · Everett Quinton · Theatre AskewNo Comments
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